
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage incorporates a variety of advanced modalities that enhance the body’s natural restorative functioning. Light to medium touch is used to release tension, relax muscles, increase blood and lymph circulation, and impart a sense of calm. Therapeutic massage can be used as a collaborative, supportive addition to conventional medical treatment of illness and injury, alleviating pain and stress, aiding soft tissue healing, and revitalizing the body. Also, regular massage can enhance health, providing relaxation, release of muscle tightness, relief from anxiety and tensions, and balancing aspects of body/mind/spirit.
30 Min
60 Min
90 Min

Trigger Point Massage
Trigger points develop from either stress, repetitive or overuse of a muscle, trauma or accident, structural imbalance, improper stretching or no stretching before physical activity. When a muscle is overused or injured a contraction develops and knots occur. These knots develop when individual muscle fibers are over-stimulated and unable to release their contracted state. This contraction reduces blood flow resulting in a diminished supply of oxygen and a build up of metabolic waste. The contracted muscle (trigger point) reacts by sending out signals of pain. To treat trigger points apply sustained deep pressure for a period long enough to release the muscle spasm, about 10-30 seconds to deactivate it, release and relax the muscle. This increases blood flow to the muscle normalizing it and bringing it back to a healthy state. This procedure is one of the most powerful yet simple ways to treat muscle pain and discomfort.
30 Min
60 Min
90 Min

Decompression Massage
A reverse compression technique that works to improve circulation and relieve muscle discomfort. Decompression Therapy Massage uses specialized cups to create negative pressure to help improve circulation and relieve muscle discomfort. Gliding cups create a release of muscle tension, increase metabolic response, and enhance your therapeutic massage. As a full body service experience, the slow relaxing massage increases circulation, enhances lymphatic flow and supports deep tissue work. Adhesion's are loosened, connective tissue is lifted and fresh blood flow is delivered to stagnant muscles and skin. Decompression therapy is known to relieve headaches, reduce mental fatigue, and complements many other massage modalities.
30 Min
60 Min
90 Min

Thai Massage
Thai massage works the entire body using a sequence of movements that are similar to yogic stretching. Your therapist will use their palms and fingers to apply firm pressure to your body. You'll also be stretched and twisted into various positions. You can wear loose, comfortable clothing during the massage. Unlike traditional massage, you will lay on a mat on the floor, not a table.
60 Min

Medical Massage
Medical Massage is the application of a specific treatment targeted to the problem(s) a patient presents with a diagnosis (via a prescription from a doctor). The treatment is administered after an assessment/ evaluation by the medical massage therapist with outcomes being the basis for the treatment. There is no single technique for medical massage. Each unit is 15 minutes. LNI and PIP only.
1 Unit
2 units
4 units

Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage incorporates a variety of modalities that enhance the body’s natural restorative functioning. Light to medium touch is used to release tension, relax muscles, increase blood and lymph circulation, and impart a sense of calm. Pregnancy massage can be used as an aid in alleviating pain and stress, aiding soft tissue healing, and revitalizing the body. Also, regular massage can enhance health, providing relaxation, release of muscle tightness, relief from anxiety and tensions, and balancing aspects of body/mind/spirit.
*PREGNANCY PILLOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL 3 TRIMESTERS!!!* (this allows you to lay face down-even when your baby bump grows)
30 Min
60 Min
90 Min

Hot Stone Massage
Hot stone massage therapy is a popular treatment for promoting deeper muscle relaxation, improving circulation, managing stress, and allowing for better sleep. The premise behind hot stone massage is that the direct heat of the stones allows the therapist to penetrate deeper into muscle layers, release tension, ease sore muscles, and promote relaxation.
If you suffer from the ailments of fibromyalgia, arthritis, or carpal tunnel; hot stone therapy can be a useful treatment in decreasing pain and muscle spasms, curbing chronic stress and tension, and allowing for better mobility.
30 Min
60 Min
90 Min

the Balanced Body
The Balanced Body massage is a manual therapy that aids your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. This signature massage does not focus solely on the site of pain or dysfunction, but evaluates the entire body to find the source of the problem. Your therapist feels for altered fascia, as well as restrictive patterns throughout the body and then applies various techniques to help alleviate chronic pain and stress.
120 Min

Childrens Massage
Infant, toddler and children massage will help with relaxation, growth, development, stimulation and improve the infant or child’s sleep pattern. I will massage any infant from three months on up to the age of eighteen. Also, I offer services for student athletes like swimmers, football players, basketball players, and baseball players; or children involved in accidents that need a little extra care. Parent or guardian consent is needed for any minor to receive massage services.
30 Min

Charcoal Facial Massage
The mask is formulated with activated charcoal, an ingredient so powerful, it can bind up to double its weight in pore-clogging impurities. Think of it like a powerful magnet withdrawing dirt and debris from deep within pores. Plus, mineral clay ingredients, kaolin and bentonite, boost the mask’s absorbency. You’ll love how the mask soaks up excess oil to deliver a smooth, matte appearance.
30 Min

Ionic Foot Detox
When the electric current is pulsed through the salt water, the water splits into positive and negative ions. These ions in the salt water are attracted to the ionic compounds in your body which are not of benefit to you — such as pesticides, preservatives, and heavy metals. Some of these toxins are pulled out from your body through the pores of your feet. Your feet have over 4,000 pores and they are the largest in the body. This makes makes the foot an ideal modality for detoxifying the body.
30 Min
Add on/in Stretch Session
Add on an extra 30 min or add into your regular massage. Myofascial Release Stretching uses specific techniques to stretch and repair the connective issue between your muscles (fascia). It helps your body heal properly from injuries and can restore range of motion. Most people either want a great massage (therapeutic) or a great stretch (Thai). But some just want the best of both worlds! Now you can add a 30min stretch to any massage service!